Health News & Info

a person clutching their stomach, wearing a white outfit, with the Sona logo in the top left corner.

What Exactly Is A Food Intolerance And How Do I Treat It?

Food intolerances occur when the body has difficulty digesting certain foods. While there is currently no cure for food intolerances, making certain alterations to your diet can help relieve symptoms. In this article you can find: What is a food intolerance? What are the signs and symptoms of a food intolerance? How do you diagnose and treat a food intolerance? What is a food intolerance? A food intolerance refers to the body’s difficulty in digesting a food which can cause unpleasant physical reactions. This impairment may be due to a lack of digestive enzymes or a sensitivity to certain chemicals. Some...

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Can Evening Primrose Oil In Conjunction With B Vitamins Relieve PMT?

Can Evening Primrose Oil In Conjunction With B Vitamins Relieve PMT?

B vitamins are essential for good health and well-being, and play a key role is a variety of bodily functions, such as reducing many of the psychological symptoms of PMT (pre-menstrual tension). Evening primrose oil is another nutrient that has shown effectiveness in reducing these symptoms, primarily due to its gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). In this article you can find: What is vitamin B and how does it help relieve PMT? What is evening primrose oil and how does it help relieve PMT? What is vitamin B and how does it help relieve PMT? B vitamins are a type of water-soluble...

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Why It Is Important To Supplement With Iron During Pregnancy

Why It Is Important To Supplement With Iron During Pregnancy

Women are at a higher risk of developing low body stores of iron due to menstruation. A study carried out in recent years indicated that 42% of Irish women could be at risk of iron deficiency. Pregnant women are at an even higher risk of developing an iron deficiency. Thus, it is vital that they increase their iron intake during pregnancy.  In this article you can find: - What is iron? - Why is iron required during pregnancy? - How much iron should I take during pregnancy? What is iron? Iron is an essential mineral we need for growth and development. Iron’s...

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Vitamin D And The Sun: What's The Connection

Vitamin D And The Sun: What's The Connection

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, vitamin D deficiency across the Irish population has been a topical conversation. As a result, a lot more of us have started supplementing with vitamin D, particularly after hearing its importance for immune health, as well as it's potential to protect against respiratory illnesses. However, many still wonder why exactly such a large proportion of us are deficient in vitamin d in the first place.  In this article, you can find: -       What is the connection between vitamin D and the sun? -       Are there any other ways to get vitamin D? What is the connection between vitamin...

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