Health News & Info — sonanutrition

Important Nutrients To Include In Your Child’s Diet

Important Nutrients To Include In Your Child’s Diet

Children require an abundance of energy and nutrients from food to keep them healthy, happy, and active every day. A balanced, and varied diet is crucial for the long-term growth and development of a child. Some of the benefits of healthy eating include: The promotion of normal growth and development of your child. The availability of sustained energy throughout a child’s busy day. Helps to maintain a healthy weight. Aids the formation of healthy bones and teeth. Prevents blood sugar dips and promotes normal mood.   Below we describe the role of some important nutrients to be included in a...

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5 Things You Can Start Doing To Enhance your Immune System

5 Things You Can Start Doing To Enhance your Immune System

The immune system is a complex network of organs, cells, and proteins, that work together to defend the body against outside invaders, such as, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxins. However, sometimes the immune system fails, and can allow a harmful invader to enter the body, and potentially cause you to become sick. In recent years, more research has been carried about the intricacies and interconnectedness of the immune response. As of yet, there are no scientifically proven direct links between lifestyle and enhanced immune system support. Nevertheless, there has been some correlation between general healthy-living strategies and enhanced immune function....

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