When it comes to taking multivitamins, everyone has their go-to brand, their reason for taking them and their own opinion on whether we should be taking them in the first place!

With all these existing opinions and contradictory statements surrounding multivitamins, it is important to know the difference between fact and fiction.

We have put together some of the biggest myths surrounding multivitamins, so you can be well informed and fully educated before making your next purchase.


#1 Multivitamins can replace a healthy diet

While many multivitamins contain complete range of vitamins and minerals, such as Sona Multiplus Complete Capsules, they are of course lacking the macronutrients which you would findonly  in food, in addition to certain phytonutrients which you can only receive again, only from food.

Consuming a balanced diet in addition to a multivitamin is most beneficial to help absorb all the nutrients from your multivitamin supplement, as well as from the food you eat itself. This is because nutrients are usually absorbed into the bloodstream, from the help of one another in what is called the ‘food matrix’, which is why consuming a balanced healthy diet is so important.


#2 Multivitamins should only be taken when you are sick

Of course, taking a multivitamin when you are sick and unable to eat much is key for a speedier recovery, however it is also beneficial to consume a multivitamin before you are ill, to prevent sickness.

For example, when we are stressed, we deplete our levels of vitamin C much more quickly, to produce stress hormones. In addition, when we are stressed, our immune system can become compromised, and we are more at risk of becoming ill or burning out. This is an important time to consider some extra help from a multivitamin, to replenish nutrients which run low when we are stressed and prevent illness.

However, with the best will in the world, it is very difficult in this day and age to manage to eat a 'balanced diet'. Even if we did, we would not be able to meet the required level of certain vitamins and mineral for a variety of reasons. So, supplementation is essential to ensure health and wellbeing.


#3 Multivitamins are not suitable for children

Many people believe that providing supplements to children is unnecessary unless they suffer from chronic illness. However, from fussy eaters to children who are prone to recurring coughs and colds, some children may require some extra help. In this case, providing a multivitamin to a child can bring peace of mind to parents that their child is receiving sufficient nutrients.

However what applies to adults, applies equally to children. With all the best effort of parents, it is not possible to provide children with a 'balanced diet' that provides all the nutrients they need to ensure health and vitality.

Sona MultiPlus Capsules give you that extra BOOST when you are feeling stressed, run down or tired. Especially helpful in periods of stress, exhaustion, or lack of vitality to increase mental and physical performance. Containing complete nutrition, Sona MultiPlus is the best multivitamin to prevent or treat symptoms caused by an unbalanced diet or poor nutrition.

Sona MultiPlus Junior Chewable tablets provide a range of vitamins and minerals in a delicious Teddy Bear shaped tablets that children love.



Blumberg, J.B., Bailey, R.L., Sesso, H.D. and Ulrich, C.M., 2018. The evolving role of multivitamin/multimineral supplement use among adults in the age of personalized nutrition. Nutrients, 10(2), p.248.